Honda Blog 17.01
Harun was the witch of the dive center today. We needed hot water to clean the tanks so we made a fireplace outside. It was quite cosy next to the fire, we just missed the tent. 🙂
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Harun was the witch of the dive center today. We needed hot water to clean the tanks so we made a fireplace outside. It was quite cosy next to the fire, we just missed the tent. 🙂
The received wood from yesterday is used today to make the entrance in front of the dive center.
Today we got new wood!!! So we are getting ready for our next project.
We are getting nicer and nicer. Of course still lots of things to do. Today we stabilized our two other benches, so Martin had to dance and jump to fix them properly.We were busy with the wet room, fixing the heavy shelves. Haroon was responsible […]
After one month of hard work here on the island our GM – Otmar had to leave back to Germany to prepare and get ready for the Boat Show. We said good-bye to him on the airport of Hanimadoo and we went back to Hondaafushi. […]
We started to check the spare parts, hich were put on their right places: But the main issue is still the work with the big pieces. The dry room gets furnished; it looks a bit like sports equipments but will be the rack for the […]
Both inside and outside the dive center gets more and more its shape. The joke that we will need six guys to carry the benches become true today! These benches are so heavy that our crew needed some rest after installung the first one. We […]
Since New Year our mana rays are in the area of our “Manta Point”. Actually we meet them 1-2 times per week there. Come with us :-). Two videos are already on Facebook (Filitheyo Werner Lau Diving Center). Have fun.
Today it was obvious, that male and female persons have different work favourites. While the boys prepared the workshop and constructed a lot of store room and tool racks Orsi started to prepare the office. Everything was counted and listed, medicaments were checked, books sorted […]
If you want to know how the transportation of goods to an island works, here is the answer. The landing craft ship is the best choice for this difficult procedure. As you easily can see, today was delivery time; furniture and construction material got unloaded. […]
Our carpenter takes it serious and works on high speed! Martin and Raju are so fast, that the others barely can paint fast enough. But thanks to this incredibly heavy wood we will need for sure minimum 6 guys to transport the benches to their […]
Did we already mention that we do a lot of woodwork and varnishing? Meanwhile we spread at least 15 liters of varnish, no surprise when you see the highly focused workers in our paintshop! The carpentry did not make our whole order, as we start […]
There are not many options on the island for sports; well diving is always the best choice, but the local staff is very intense in their cricket matches. Black and Yellow team were playing for quite some time yesterday evening. It´s not a very popular […]
The day started well! On the way to the dive center we found a turtle hatch! But on the wrong way towards the dive center and not towards the sea. So we helped hatch and brought him to the beach. From here he started his […]
We got more support, Orsi and Martin arrived from Frankfurt as well as Harun from Filitheyo. Now we can even raise our speed, as Martin is carpenter and will make the saw sing! Around the dive center it is gtting cleaned and planted, the tiling […]
Today Lausy went swimming, together with his eponym. Werner grabbed the bird and went to the future dive jetty for an inspection. Well, Lausy ran quickly out of the water, what a strange pelikan! But Werner used the time for a snorkel trip to the […]
As promised we want to present you our trailer construction, quite unique but tested for the long distance tour to the main jetty. German engineering meets italian-indian Piaggio, only the trailer break system needs a bit more attention…. Needless to mention that we are still […]
Dear friend of the underwater world, these are the last snap shots of the old year! We hope to see you on new ones in 2017!!! We wish you all a healthy and peaceful 2017 with a lot of joy and fun! Your Werner Lau […]
Happy New Year from Hondaafushi! Werner arrived and inspected the dive center. Also we checked some procedures, especially the transport of the diving gear to the main jetty. The huge distances on that island make it necessary to search for new ideas, especially at the […]
Today it was quiet on the island, as it is Friday. But we did not stop our work at the dive center. Raju and Mashek produced a series of benches, which will be installed around the rinsing bassins. We will give them some concrete feet, […]
Today we had a lot of woodwork to do. the racks are fixed and stuffed with gear, as we need to get rid of the boxes, which are everywhere! We find that it looks already a little bit like a dive center! But of course […]
It is always good to have a painter among ourselves. 1 liter of Varnish and some headphones made the racks look perfectly! The dive center interior is getting recognizable, while the electrical works in the compressor room, named the mosque due to its enormous size, […]
Wir wünschen allen unseren aktuellen und zukünftigen Gästen ein BESINNLICHE WEIHNACHTSFEIERTAGE und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr. Wir konnten hier neben warmen sonnigen Temperaturen ein herrliches Weihnachtsbuffet geniessen! Und wir mussten noch nicht einmal selbst kochen!!! 😀
The entire Bathala Team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2017
We divers know all this: You are diving a couple of days in a beautiful surrounding and then you have or should have a non-diving day, only because your body (or your non-diving partner) says it or you are leaving the next day. You are […]