
Booking Bathala directly at discounted rates!

Together with our hotel partner Planhotel we have prepared a special offer for all Werner Lau customers. From now on you can book at special rates directly on the resort's website with the following promo code: HTTPS://BATHALAMALDIVES.SANDIES-RESORTS.COM/SERVICES/WERNER-LAU-DC/
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Our Red Sea Specials

We have listed all our special offers for Egypt here. There are different options for you on offer – check yourself and let our team assist you with your individual programme.
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Halaveli wreck

The wreck was sunk by the dive school operating on Halaveli, back in 1991. It lies a mile NW of Halaveli island. The ship was once used as a cargo vessel, transporting goods from island to island. Wreck divers will love this dive site, as [...]
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Housereef maintenance

Our housereef requires attendance every now and then. The ropes need cleaning, the supporting canisters a refill of air, but even a full refurbishing is not uncommon. Here are Dani & Miro placing a new orientation number of entry/exit in the northwest, our #1, the [...]
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Triger fish

Blog Bathala - 16.07.2021 40 species of triggerfish are scattered throughout the world’s seas. These bottom dwellers dig out prey, such as crabs and worms, by flapping away debris with their fins and sandblasting with water squirted from their mouths. They also use very tough [...]
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Glass Fish

Blog Bathala - 09.07.2021 Glassfishes are found in shallow waters up to 10m deep, usually hidden among the reef. They feed on crustaceans, worms and other invertebrates. In turn, they fall prey to larger fish such as snappers, groupers, jackfish, lionfish. They are a schooling [...]
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Lion fish

Blog Bathala - 02.07.2021 Although the lionfish is visibly gorgeous, there's much more to this mysterious creature than its striking maroon, brown and white stripes, elegant fan-like fins and delicate floating tentacles. Native to the Indo-pacific region, the fish can be found on reefs as [...]
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