

A new Day

Blog Description:  After a week’s of stormy weather we finally had a beautiful sunrise… Which followed with the next amazing days of beautiful diving and weather… @ Medhufushi Island Resort
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Newly Certified Divers

Congratulations on becoming Open Water Divers Marc,Verena and Florian. We had fun teaching you… and hope to see you soon in Medhufushi again.. @ Medhufushi Island Resort
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Hello Nurse Shark

In the past few weeks this young nurse shark has been stationed in the same spot sleeping again. She glances at us to see what we are upto and then goes back to sleep... @Mantas & More
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Hawkbill Turtle

A beautifully shot monochrome photograph. This peaceful visitor greets us every time we visit our dive site - Picasso
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Happy Birthday Gleb

We pleased to take you diving and give you an experience to remember, A 10th Birthday to remember … We hope to see you soon diving with us again..
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