MY Sheena Logbook – 25.11. – 01.12.2018
Dive No. 1 – Dolphins Corner
On our very first dive of the trip we had strong incoming current. We began the dive on the outside reef and made our way slowly towards to the corner and hooked ourselves right next to more than 20 white tip reef sharks. This was simply awesome. At the end of the dive while doing the safety stop we found a big lobster, few napoleons, and was very lucky to meet a school of Dolphins as we went up to the surface.
Dive No. 1 Fili East
Dive No. 2 Western Highlight
Dive No. 3 Mantas & More
We decided to start the day nice and easy and had a very relaxed dive on the outside reef of filitheyo, drifted towards to the corner and saw couple of white tip reef sharks, two eagle rays, many snappers, two big Stone fishes and a lots of Batfishes during this dive
Second dive at western highlights was with a medium to strong incoming current. Plenty of fusiliers were at the reef front and big tunas were chasing them. The reef is full of healthy hard corals. Many small reef fishes, barracudas, napoleons and a baby white tip reef shark were seen.
Mantas and more with a medium incoming current, we saw a lots of grey reef sharks, white tip reef sharks, napoleons, some eagle rays, mobula manta and we had luck to see one big Manta ray.
Dive No. 1 Mantas & More
Dive No. 2 Simply the Best
Dive No. 3 White Tip Station
We had again incoming current, few grey reef sharks, white tip reef sharks, and many Turtles were seen during this dive.
At simply the best we made a very relaxed and easy dive, seeing many small fishes, lion fishes, scorpion fishes, many different kind of shrimps and a lots of long nose hawk fishes as we completed one circle around this shallow giri.
Nice and strong incoming current at white tip station, we crossed the channel and saw a lots of sharks and a big school of eagle rays. A big Manta ray also showed up while we waited at the channel edge.
Dive No. 1 Happy Corner
Dive No. 2 Vattaru Kandu
Dive No. 3 Alimatha Jetty
Happy corner with strong out going current was nice too. Few grey reef sharks were swimming close to the divers and a huge school of big eyed trevallies and yellow fin barracudas were at the channel corner.
Vattaru with a medium outgoing current, there was a huge Napoleon waiting at the corner. Two lobsters, scorpion fishes, lion fishes, a sting ray and plenty of reef fishes were seen.
Night dive at Alimatha house reef was great. About a hundred nurse sharks, some sting rays and a lots of giant trevallies were there.
Dive No. 1 Miyaru Kandu
Dive No. 2 Golden Wall
Dive No. 3 Fottheyo Kandu
At miyaru kandu we had a nice incoming current. So we crossed the channel. More than 20 grey reef sharks were swimming very close to our divers. An eagle rays passed by, many jack fishes and some barracudas were seen. Two big lobsters were seen at the safety stop.
Incoming current at golden wall. So we waited at the corner for some time to look at the white tip reef sharks then drifted along the wall full of soft corals.
Fottheyo was amazing to swim through the overhangs full of soft corals and saw some grey reef sharks and an eagle ray.
Dive No. 1 Fottheyo Kandu
Dive No. 2 Shark Point
Dive No. 3 Western Highlights
At early morning we had no luck with hammer head sharks, but at the reef was many other fishes and some grey reef sharks. While at safety stop we met a big group of dolphins.
Shark point was nice and easy with a mild outgoing current. Four big grey reef sharks, two eagle rays, two nurse sharks and some white tip reef sharks were seen during this awesome dive.
Mild incoming current at Western highlight, plenty of fusiliers and a very friendly turtle was the highlight for the dive.
Dive No. 1 Kingdom of Fish
Dive No. 2 Fenboa House Reef
Medium outgoing current at Kingdom of fish. Yellow and neon fusiliers were all over the reef. Two eagle rays were following us for some time. Two big nurse sharks were resting under a coral block, one baby white tip reef shark was swimming very close to the divers.
As we had all our guest departing early on Sunday, we made a very shallow dive at fenboa house reef to see the untouched healthy hard corals and all the macro stuff on the reef.
All the guest was very happy with the dives.