MY Sheena Logbook – 28.10. – 04.11.2018
Dive No. 1 – Dolphins Corner
Dive No. 2 – Western Highlights
Dive No. 2 – Mantas & More
Check dive was an easy relaxed dive as we had a mild current at the out side reef towards the corner. Plenty of humpback snappers, sweet lips, some dogtooth tunas and a white tip shark were met. Some napoleons were at the safety stop on the top reef.
Current was strong and we had a nice dive with full of fussiliers at the reef front. Plenty of travellies and some barracudas were seen. Some grey reef sharks and white tip reef sharks were also seen.
At the start of the dive, we had many snappers, lots of other reef fishes and then a school of six grey reef sharks were at a cleaning station. Some white tip reef sharks and napoleons were along the reef. Unfortunately, no Mantas today. We will try again tomorrow.
Dive No. 1 Mantas & More
Dive No. 2 Sharks Tongue
Dive No. 3 White Tip Station
We were finally lucky to see one Manta today. So many fishes including snappers, rainbow runners, jacks etc were also seen apart from the Manta ray.
This was an easy chilled dive along the outer reef. We saw plenty of white tip reef sharks, eagle rays, lobsters, two different stingrays resting down on the sandy bottom and a lot of fussiliers during this dive
We had a very small incoming current at the first few minutes of the dive and then changed to out going current. So we explored the whole channel edge and the big cave. A massive grouper was waiting at the mouth of the cave and disappeared as we came close. Some white tips and many barracudas and travellies were there.
Dive No. 1 Happy Corner
Dive No. 2 Rakeedhoo Kandu
Dive No. 3 The Golden Wall
This was superb! Nice medium incoming current at this dive site. We crossed the channel seeing a dozen of grey reef sharks, some white tip reef sharks and also silvertips. Happy corner at its best.
We had good visibility this time at rakeedhoo kandu. Big school of jacks, rainbowrunners, many napoleons, some mantis shrimps and was great to see all the beautiful soft corals under the over hangs.
Current was medium to strong out. We had a fast drift along the wall and stoped at the corner and saw some white tips, an electric torpedo ray, four large octopuses and a friendly turtle during this dive.
Dive No. 1 Fottheyo
Dive No. 2 Miyaru Kandu
Dive No. 3 Alimatha Nightdive
At Fottheyo we planed an early morning dive to the blue for hammerhead sharks. But the conditions at the blue were not so good. So we did the dive along the reef. It was a great idea, because we had so much fishes, sharks and rays as we crossed the channel. A perfect start of the day.
With some medium outgoing current, we had an awesome dive in the channel. Many sharks were just cruising infront of us. Five eagle rays stood just a meter infront of our divers, napoleons and jacks were also there.
Night dive at alimatha house reef is always a highlight. With a mild out going current we had a great show of nurse sharks swimming just beside the divers, stingrays looking for food in the sandy bottom, plenty of jacks hunting on the small fishes. This was just amazing.
Dive No. 1 Dhevana Kandu
Dive No. 2 Thirteen Eagle Rays
Dive No. 3 Kandooma Thila
We had strong outgoing current at the channel. This was bit difficult as the school of baby grey reef sharks were moving around and we had to swim to different spots of the reef to see them. As we drift along the reef, we found many barracudas, a sting ray and some other reef fishes.
Again strong outgoing current at the channel. A feather tailed sting ray was sleeping on the sandy bottom, two huge silver tip sharks were curious towards the divers. A very big sharks surprised us from behind and went away. We didn’t had time to identify what kind of shark it was, it was not a normal shark that we used to see???
Kandooma thila was amazing with a mild outgoing current, a school of 10 eagle rays stood just a meter away from the divers. Many grey reef sharks and big tunas were to see during this dive.
Dive No. 1 Manta Point
Dive No. 2 Vilivaru Giri
Manta point was with no luck. We waited at the cleaning station and no manta showed up. But there were plenty of fishes at the reef. Lots of fussiliers, tunas and jackfishes, lots of garden eels on the sandy bottom. This was overall a good dive despite not seeing a manta.
As we had people departing early on Sunday, we planed to do a shallow dive in a giri. This was a very easy relaxed last dive of the trip. We found some nudibranches, sea slugs and flat worms, many lion fishes and some scorpion fishes.
Many thanks for this wonderfull trip. We are looking forward to see you guys again on MY Sheena
Best regards
Ali & team