
Our Sheena Crew … or how do produce a new staff picture

The announcement: “Boys, we would like to do a new staff picture for the website, get ready!” caused a lot of excitement. Everyone had a shower, new clean Werner Lau T-Shirts were taken out. Everybody ran excitedly in a mess – everybody looked at his neighbour. Supposed dirt was knocked off the shoulders … “No! You can’t get on the picture like that – you have to wear a Werner Lau T-shirt.” “Where should we stay, how should we stay” …

Terrific! An experience for crew, photographer and guests … spaghetti !!!

But the result is something to be proud of, isn’t it?

Below from left to right: Maumoon (Dhoni Crew), Amin (Waiter), Ashraf (Room Boy) , Sinan (Instructor), Sameeh (Dhoni Captain)

Above from left to right: Pasidu (Cook), Ghassan (Assistant Captain), Harish (Captain), Florian (Instructor), Bilal (Dhoni Crew)

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